簡要描述:QVGA with Touch screen education board
- Supports high-resoltion 2.8� QVGA display. The resolution is 320x240 pixel.
- Supports 262,144 color. Includes touchscreen panel and LED backlight. The interfacing is 8-bit.
- QVGA display controller R61505 from Renesas. Supports Microchip�s library files
- The main microcontroller is PIC24FJ128GA010 from Microchip. Operating at 16 MIPS
- Supply regulated voltage of +3.3V. The input supply voltage range is 4.8 to 9Vdc.
- Apply to DC jack adaptor or Screw-terminal block
- RESET switch and 2 push-button switches with pull-up resistor as input devices
- Peizo speaker with sound driver circuit
- ICD jack for supporting In-Circuit In-System Programming to PIC24FJ128GA010 microcontroller.
- INEX�s PX-200 or PX-700 USB programmer are recommended
- Main clock is at 8MHz and 32.768kHz for RTCC (Real-Time Clock and Calendar) module
- UART1 (Rx,Tx,CTS,RTS) of PIC24FJ128GA010 microcontroller interface point.
- 4-Analog inputs. Supports 0 to +3.3V and 7-Digital input/output support +5V tolerance
- Serial EEPROM 256 Kb; 25LC256 for saving the display configuration and general purpose.
- SD/MMC card interfacing circuit.
- USB to Serial converter circuit with CTS and RTS signal for Hardware Flow Control by FT232RL chip.
- Interface with UART2 module of PIC24FJ128GA010 microcontroller
- On-board TC1047 temperature sensor
- Board size is 8 x 6.4 cm.